Monday, May 12, 2014

Comments anyone? Anyone?

I'm still in the process of writing some new posts, but something occurred to me that I want to share.

None of my opinions or observations of the Big Book were made in isolation from the Fellowship. If I am going to accurately re-create the dynamic of the Happy Hour Group I absolutely must have feedback. Otherwise, I'm just tootin' in the wind.

I know many of you have had trouble figuring out how to post comments, so here's the easy steps you need to follow.

1. Get a Google account. They are free and you don't have to give any personal information other than your age. In their never-ending conquest of the world, they acquired Blogspot so it's a Google site, like it or not.

2. When you get to the blog, sign in at the upper right hand corner using your shiny new Google account username and password.

3. Click on a post to read and comment. When you first sign in you are taken to a screen with recent posts but you are not able to comment until you click on one title.

If you are still having problems, email me at

Talk with you all soon.



  1. I am logged in as my alter ego, Herkimer Latimer. Actually he is a character we developed at work for advertising and I gave him a Google identity.

    My point is that I Herkimer did what I suggested and now he can comment. Doesn't that make you jealous?

    Who knows, he might even have something important to say one day.

  2. Who is this guy? I don't recall having an alter ego. But I can still show you that you can comment on one anothers' comments as well as to the post.
